(art by fangedwife@tumblr)

just a selfshipping fox

I'm here to kiss pretty fictional women~

(art by hokage@tumblr)

🦊 My name is Sanura! You can also call me Ren, Fox or Nine.🦊 I used to be lovewithinthedarkness on Tumblr and sanuraships on Twitter.🦊 I use they/them pronouns.🦊 I’m 32 and my birthday is on September 22nd.🦊 I'm mixed race; Jamaican Australian. I also live in Australia, so I'm asleep when most people are most active.🦊 I am mentally ill and shy, but I do like to interact with others!🦊 I'm an artist and drawing my F/Os and I gives me that sweet serotonin. I absolutely appreciate reblogs/retweets <3🦊 Generally speaking, I'm not comfortable sharing F/Os, especially not my mains. In some cases I might feel okay with it, depending on the character. Ask me if you're not sure!🦊 My type leans towards attractive villainesses or otherwise morally questionable women. I like them mean. There are exceptions of course. If you're uncomfy with people shipping with villains, I suggest you don't follow me.🦊 I'm only attracted to animated characters, mostly from anime and video games. I can't form the same attachments to live action characters.🦊 Please do send me/tag me in F/O content if you come across it and you think I'll like it! Gift art is also lovely if that's something you want to do! I know some people aren't sure if that's okay or not and I'm going to tell you that it's definitely okay for me.🦊 I'm more likely to follow you back on Tumblr if you tag posts and we share some fandoms.🦊 If you send me an ask on my blog and I don't get answer it in like a day and I don't make a post saying I'll get to responding later, assume that Tumblr ate it and send it again!

Please read all of this before following me! Thank you!❌ Don’t follow me if you’re anti-LGBT+, racist, sexist, MAP/NOMAP/pedo, etc, basically if you're a generally nasty person that fits any of the standard DNI criteria.❌ Don’t follow me if you’re an adult who ships with underage characters or supports that. That includes ageing up such characters.❌ Don't follow me if you support "bi/pan lesbians". Lesbians aren't attracted to men.❌ If you kin with any of my F/Os or crushes, I’d prefer you not follow me. I feel like you probably wouldn’t anyway, it would be weird for the both of us, surely!
(this doesn't mean I'm anti-kin! I personally wonder if I'm foxkin, myself.)
❌ Don't follow me if you think it's okay to harass others and start drama. I'm very much against such behaviour.❌ I'm fine with minors following my main selfship blog as it's pretty SFW (anything that could be suggestive will be tagged #suggestive, but I keep explicit NSFW stuff to an 18+ blog). I don't follow minors unless they follow me first and are okay with someone my age following them. I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.❌ My selfship twitter is an 18+ only zone, so please don't follow that if you're a minor. You will be blocked.❌ Please, PLEASE tell me privately if I say/do anything that upsets you. I don't like to upset people, but I can make mistakes, so please let me know.
❗ Blacklist ❗
If we're mutuals, I'd appreciate if you tag the following for me! You can tag these with #sanura look away, #sanura dont look (with no apostrophe so the filter catches it) or #sdl.❗ Other ships with my F/Os.❗ Real life/very realistic spiders.
(Cartoony/non-realistic spiders and spider monster girls don't frighten me, so no need to tag them.)
❗ Real life/extreme gore.
(I'm fine with a sort of mild level of fictional gore (I do enjoy certain anime/manga series with less graphic gore), but anything very graphic is super upsetting to me.)